Monthly Archives: June 2015

Maker Faire coming to downtown Rutland on August 1st

maker_faire_logoThe Rutland Mini Maker Faire ( is calling all makers!  The homepage for has several helpful links to help you learn about Maker Faires and how you can apply to participate in the Rutland event, or volunteer at this event.

This event will be held in conjunction with the annual downtown Rutland Sidewalk Sale and Circus.

Learn to Code this summer at Maclure Library

On June 20th I assisted with a Hour of Code event at the Maclure Library in Pittsford, VT.  We had 6 participants, one adult and five young folks.  I met some very sharp and up-and-coming young programmers on Saturday.  I hope they continue learning and gaining more skills in this area.

Bonnie Stewart is the Librarian at Maclure Library, and she is planning some summer activities, including some events or sessions related to learning to code or program computers.

The Maclure Library recently switched to a new website, so they don’t yet have their calendar of events listed.  But if you are interested in what they are planning for summer activities, you can contact the Maclure Library at (802) 483-2972.

Have a nice summer!